My interest in photography came about in from 5 or what’s now known at year 10 at secondary college, I was 15 at the time and I selected photography as one of my elective subjects. I had a desire to be a television cameraman at the time and this subject just seemed to the right choice.  

A few weeks into the school year the family went to America for a 3 weeks, my father had purchased a Ricoh 35mm film camera and I decided I was going to be the family photographer.

I was told, only take one photo of everything, film is expensive, you can’t waste it.

Having shot off several canisters of film, the actual film winder broke off the camera when I was loading a new roll, that was it for me, the camera was taken off me for the rest of the trip.

Back at school I enjoyed the class and found the darkroom work interesting….sadly, the one class I really wanted to pass, I failed.

I pretty much shelved my photographic desires and followed my second obsession, emergency communications, a field I have been employed in now for 30 something years and  whilst I hope I am making a positive contribution in that field, I am now taking the opportunity to revisit my passion or obsession for photography.

I believe we never stop learning, I personally get a kick out of learning something new and going, wow, it’s that easy or that’s how you do that. With this in mind I like to participate in as many workshops as I can wherever I am in the world. 

The feedback to my photography has literally blown me away, it’s so humbling to read some of the comments the photos attract. I think it’s amazing that someone somewhere will want one of my photographs hanging on the wall in their home.

I want my photographs to take people to a happy place, a place that hold some special memories for them, and rekindles a memory that to make people smile.

Please wander around my web site. If you’re smiling when you finish then I’ve achieved what I started out to do. I feel you’d like to purchase one of my photographs to share that smile please don’t hesitate to do so.

If you have any questions, queries or concerns please follow the contact link.

Craig Musselwhite
Craig MusselwhitePhotographer